On 2/6/19 11:25 AM, Jay West wrote:
Yes, it's all "standard 19 inch"
but..... the HP gear and mounting
kits of that time expected certain things to be present in the rack
design/construction well beyond just the space between the vertical
As I recall, on the left, the flange (where mounting holes are - on
the right) does not have mounting holes. And drilling and tapping
would be difficult because a 2 inch thick piece of solid metal from
the side of the casting covers those...<snip>
Okay, here's what I'm talking about. Take a look at PDF page 6 from
this document:
This shows very clearly the naked "box" without the transport works.
Said box is aluminum, with 1/8" or so thick flanges on each side.
Note that the right side has 3 mounting slots (and the transport has 3
"notches" to make room for bolt heads and washers.
Now look at the right side of the drive box. Note that the hinges for
the transport are secured to a similar flange, but without any mounting
holes. I propose that drilling a couple of mounting holes to match
rack spacing and countersinking said holes so that they don't interfere
with the transport body would do the trick. My rack uses cage nuts on
the rails, so there would be no fiddling with nuts and bolts. I'd
probably also feel better if the rear of the drive were secured to the
rack also, but I haven't worked that one out yet--nor am I likely too,
as my current setup works just fine without the danger of hernia.