Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 19:24:09 -0500
From: "Teo Zenios" <teoz at>
Subject: Re: ImageDisk project is canceled
Well lets be honest here, people do not do anything for
I actually feel a little sorry for someone who sees the world like that...
So, donating anonymously to charity or just picking a piece of garbage off
the street and putting it into the nearest receptacle is not merely doing the
right thing or just being who you are, but "buying" a good feeling? How
...friends who keep taking up your personal time fixing
their computers as long
as you do it for free but once a token amount is asked for the time involved
(even just a free lunch) these same people get pissy and refuse...
Well, since you're apparently one of those people who doesn't do anything
for free and expects some form of payment from your "friends," perhaps you
could either make that clear in the beginning or just refuse. Or perhaps
find new "friends;" I usually say that, half-seriously, "this is gonna cost
a lunch," and I've never had any of my friends refuse - quite to the contrary.
I always thought that if there really is demand for a
utility then at least a
token amount of money should be charged for that utility.
So now another of the many things that Dave did wrong was to offer it for free...
This gets more and more bizarre; a fascinating insight into the mentalities
and perspectives of the writers though...