Well, all right, true, but did you *want* an Apple I?
OK, noit really. Well, if I was given one, I would power it up, I would
look at signals and I would see what was interesting about the design.
But there are many other machines that I would rather own.
But this doesn't mean there aren't other people out there who would like
the machine -- and not as an 'investment'.
AIUI, you could just build your own if you wanted, no? The plans and
things are out there, I believe. It's a fairly simple machine.
I couldn't, but you could, I'm sure.
Last time I looked at it, I think I spotted a few ICs that would be hard
to get now.Not imposible, but would take some finding.
Would it matter to you if it was a replica or a real one?
I guess, not really. Provided the replica was electronically identical
(and this might mean indeitcla PCB layout if stray capacitance is
Certainly a copy in an FPGA would not be of any interest to me