I saw that the sphere web site has them too. Price seems to
be in the $60 range. I think our high school chem or physics
teacher put together a large order, and probably got us both an
educational and a volume discount, so I won't pass any judgement
on sphere's price, although I'm sure we didn't pay anywhere near
that for our's.
Eric Chomko wrote:
I used to have one like that! I probably still do in a box someplace.
It IS a cool slide rule even though I got it after I got a calculator (mid 70-s).
Ian Koller wrote:
> Fred,
> I've got a circular slide rule that fits in your shirt
> pocket and has formulas, conversion tables, physical constants,
> etc. and even a periodic table either on the back or on a pull
> out card. That one is so neat, I'll never let it go.
> "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Feldman, Robert wrote:
> > > (BTW, my 14-year old son has three slide rules and was quite interested
> > > the giant one up on the wall in a hall at his high school.)
> >
> > A friend of mine has one of those. I'm envious.