Sounds good. Last question (I think). Watt (!) constitutes
low-wattage? 4W and 7W nightlights are easy to find. 40 watt oven bulb?
Allison wrote:
J.C. Wren wrote:
These are big mambo-jumbo caps in a linear
supply, specifically a
nameless S-100 system. I'm not sure if it's feasible to remove
them. They're screwed into the motherboard, and while I could
disassemble the motherboard from the chassis, it might still be a
pain to get them out.
Controlling the voltage into them is pretty easy, via the Variac.
Limiting the current is a whole 'nother problem. Maybe a light bulb
in series with the Variac?
For that case yes. Variac to come up slow and low wattage lamp to limit
S100 linear supplies are unregulated (usually) before they get on the bus
so a load is NOT needed. Do insure the caps are discharged before
any board.