Al Kossow wrote:
>How is it that a station that covers about 20 years, only
>plays about 4-8 hours of music! I'm sick of the radio and how few songs
>they actually play.
Actually it was me, and not Al that said that.
check out radioparadise... it may not be your cup of
tea but I think
his playlists are exceptional (and commercial free).
I'm afraid most of those groups on todays playlist I've never even heard of!
I've tried a couple of the "internet radio" stations. I just can't
them. The quality is typically pretty low, and prone to network glitches.
I actually subscribed (free) to "Wolfgangs Vault" but have found it to
problematic to use :^(
BTW, on that playlist, the one modern group I do know who they are, is Death
Cab for Cutie, I've picked up their last two albums on vinyl. :^)
There are a few
eclectic non-comms left. I'm involved with KFJC in
the SF Bay area, and William is working on a program for WFMU.
maybe internet streams will save the genre.
I could see that happening. How long before the FCC tries to sell of the AM
and FM spectrums to some corporation for Cell phones or some such nonsense?
BTW, Al has some good points, it was quite obvious that the last
30's/40's/50's oldy station I was listening to was a satalite feed. Even
the country station I listen to that has local DJ's, also has a satalite
feed for late night. As someone else mentioned, it's not just the under
30's crowd moving to the iPod. I've preferred iTunes to the radio for
years, and finally got an iPod at Christmas.