noticed that what passes for 3.5" blank media nowadays is downright
This is a common moan here. I've noticed it too -- as I am fond of
pointing out, about 20 years ago I bought some 5.25" disks for my TRS-80
model 1. THose disks cost me (then) \pounds 3.00 each, and my Model 1
stored 88K on them (single sided, 35 cylinders, single density).
Thing is, those disks are still readable. I wish I could pay that sort of
price _now_ for a 3.5" disk and get something that I could read back
again in <n> years time. My data is worth a lot more than that.
(Oh and don't tell me to use CD-Rs or DVDs, or whatever. I've yet to find
such devives with an HPIL interface (for example)).
Hmmm. I have a couple of HP-IB MO drives and a HP-IL to HP-IB converter.
I wonder???