Something in the back of my mind says that "g c800:5" won't work but
"g=c800:5" does the job. IIRC, when I first started to use debug to LLF
the HDs, I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why things weren't
working when using the "g c800:5" command.
Fred Cisin wrote:
Well, lets
see.... if your on a PC, I think if you type at the DOS prompt
c:\> debug c800
That's assuming that the controller card is set to the
standard address
of C800. C800 is the default for PCs but the cards can be addresses to
different addresses. Checkit is handy for finding the card address. Also
the code doesn't usually start right at the biginning of the ROM. It starts
at an offset of 5 in most controllers so you'd use debug then "g c800:5".
I've seen a couple of controllers that started at 2 and I think I remember
one that started at 10.
C800 is NOT the address! It is the SEGMENT component of a two part
address. But when used as STATED: g C800 , it would NOT cause a branch to
C800:0 as intended! Instead, it would go to OFFSET C800 of the current
segment! xxxx:C800
If you want offset 0 of segment C800, then the command must be: g C800:0
NOT g C800 !!!!!!!!!!
g C800:5 would, indeed, be correct for an offset of 5 within segment C800
BUT "g C800" is NOT going to work.