from a couple websites, first...
The standard monochrome framebuffer, found in everything from the
first Sun-2 to desktop SPARCs, and the 386i as well. Standard resolution
is 1152 x 900 and high resolution is 1280 x 1024; other resolutions
(1024 x 1024?) may exist. The very first implementations were TTL-only
output levels, or switchable between TTL-only and TTL/ECL; everything
since has been TTL/ECL.
The line frequency (horizontal scan) rate for the high-res is
89.3Khz while that of the normal monitor is 61.8Khz. The field
(vertical scan) rates are almost identical at 66Hz and 67Hz.
I presume that the framebuffer is the following
501-1003 "Sun-2 Monochrome Video" Multibus (with keyboard/mouse)
DEVICE: bwtwo
RESOLUTION: 1152 x 900
POWER: 4A @ +5V
if not, what is the sun part number on the board?