Is the EconoRam a George Morrow design? I have four
EconoRams that are Bill
Godbout/CompuPro products. Mine are 16K SRAMs, in this case, loaded with
I believe some of Godbout's designs were done my Morrow, but
perhaps not all.
Godbout used to run an EPROM programming service. After having typed in
the SOL's CONSOL source listings (sans comments), assembling it using the
Intel MAC80 cross assembler, and testing the code under the Intel INTERP-80
simulator (each running on both the DEC-10 and the CDC-6600), I ran the
Intel HEX output through a conversion so that I could punch a papertape on
the CDC-6600's high-speed papertape reader/punch (a holdover from the days
when IU had a CDC 3400/3600 system) and sent the paper tape to Godbout.
Someone names Spencer who worked there burned my 5204 Eproms with the
tiny fragile gold legs and got 'em back to me.
I had *one* error in my entry of CONSOL that I never caught- Control-Z,
which was the cursor down function, would crash the machine. Later, I
got some SOLOS roms, and never looked back...
I also have a completely new/unused (not in the box,
but never used)
somewhere. I'm not even certain it was ever
Ah, the Wunderbuss...
I found one S-100 line that had a copper gap from producton... but it wasn't
a normally used line, at least in the Altair/IMSAI usage... maybe IEEE-S696
used it...