Funny, I was thinking solaris clusters among other things when I thought
about availability. :) as well as linux, bsd, etc.... most services I can
think about don't care if one or two boxes fail. Then again, half of them
are virtualized anyway and the OS dosnt realize the hardware failed... :)
On Jan 9, 2012 5:31 PM, "Dave McGuire" <mcguire at> wrote:
On Jan 9, 2012, at 4:52 PM, Gary Sparkes <mokuba at> wrote:
Also, uptime has almost lost its meaning these
days in favor of
availability.... today's systems almost don't give a damn about
box uptime :)
I think uptime has been de-emphasized in order to breath life into the
market for one particularly unstable OS. ;) Personally, I demand both, as
I have work to do.
Dave McGuire
New Kensington, PA