On 2/2/2006 at 10:55 PM William Donzelli wrote:
> TV, or radio? Radio, no idea, but digital TV I
welcome with open arms.
What we really need are some new digital screenwriters. My wife and I have
decided we'll let our 30-year old Sony go black rather than spend bucks to
watch commercials on HDTV. We barely watch anything now, but it seems to
keep the dogs entertained.
OTOH, virtually 100% of our radio listening is off the net. Got an FM
modulator hooked up to the box that I use for a server, so I can pick it up
on any set in the house. Some very fine stuff out there--most of it from
outside of the US.
But then, the big attraction for cable was that there were no commercials.
I'm sure net radio will get "discovered" and we'll be stuck with the
garbage selling everything from cars to impotence remedies.