On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:55:47PM -0700, Eric Smith wrote:
I used to run it on a LAB-8/e using a VR14 monitor, and didn't
observe the problem, but I think the VR14 is pretty slow.
This version online looks like it was fixed. Were you using it?
It stuck a clear flags 6050 in also.
Their is one difference between them that may be wrong. It looks like
the new version may have an unwanted line wrap.
Above version diff output
< -6;-10; -2;-10; 0;-10; 2;-10; 4;-10; 5;-10; 7;-10; -5;-11; -3;-11; -1;-11
New version has the second digit of the -11 on the next line.
-6;-10; -2;-10; 0;-10; 2;-10; 4;-10; 5;-10; 7;-10;
-5;-11; -3;-11; -1;-1