Sounds like the good old original Bournelli Box data cartridges.... first
removal hard drives for PC's.... I remember working on those beasties....
the original design had an issue with the power board assembly and the
capacitors used to explode. They were packaged into IBM XT type cases and
when the caps blew it sounded like someone hit the case with the metal
baseball bat... when the case was opened, underneath the cover would be the
marks where the cap blew out.... of course this "feature" was fixed in later
versions ;-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Johnston" <marvin(a)>
To: <cctalk(a)>
Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2002 4:28 PM
Subject: What is this?
In cleaning out the garage, I ran across three brand new what appear to
be 8" removeable cartridge units with no manufacturers ID that I
recognize. These three units are still sealed in their original plastic
wrapping except for the one I opened to try and find out what it is.
There are two dates, 11/26/84 on a test report taped to the unit, and
10/31/89 loose in the package; both refer to the same serial number. The
model is DP100 and it requires 24VDC @ 3.8A, 5VDC @ 2.5A max, and -12VDC
@ .5A. The only name I recognize is on the Pass/Fail Report and it has a
PASS.AS.DATAPOINT on it. Anyone have any clues as to what this might be?