I should have mentioned, the clean up involves junk ... as opposed to
junque :) ... that is actually going to the scrap yard. I've got most of
the IBM PCs including the 64K with 16K soldered in memory chips. I do
plan on putting a bunch of stuff on the Vintage Computer Marketplace in
the not too distant future. And along the way, there are people still
waiting for me to get to some stuff. If anyone feels I've forgotten
them, I probably have and a reminder is not out of order :).
"Joe R." wrote:
If you get ready to throw out more of it, let me know. I have an early
5150 with the 64k MB and MDA.
At 12:26 PM 2/4/04 -0800, you wrote:
>"Joe R." wrote:
>> I can't be certain what your card takes but most cards like that took
>> CGA, Monochrome and/or composite monitor. You're right, the old IBM PC
>> stuff is getting hard to find. I started looking for it about 1 1/2 years
>> ago and I haven't found a single one in the surplus places. Kelvin in
>> Atlanta is still finding an occasional one in the thrift stores. He also
>> found one at Weird stuff a couple of months ago.
>Thanks to a heads up about this several years ago by Sellam, I started
>collecting real IBM cards, software, computers, etc. However, it has
>been a year or so since I've seen real IBM PCs or ATs except for the
>PS/2 stuff. In this latest cleanup/throw out binge, at least I get a
>chance to find and see it again :).