no, 28khz is not what you *should* be seeing. The
original vga fixed frequency stuph ran at 31.5kc.
--- cctalk-bounces at
<julesrichardsonuk at> wrote:
Scott Quinn wrote:
> I'm not looking for a potted answer here - just
ideas for where to look.
Is ~28KHz a
> common HSYNC frequency? seems too low for
anything I've seen.
Hmm, I'd expect an SGI (or similar machine of its
class) to be attempting
1024x768 at 60Hz non-interlaced minimum, so hsync
somewhere around 50KHz.
> What else should I look at for a non-syncing
Is it the monitor or the machine? For a monitor test
I'd throw it on any old
PC and see what I could get out of it (wire up a
sync combiner if the monitor
needs csync; easy to do)
> USENET seems to indicate 48.8 KHz HSYNC on these
old SGI monitors (SGI
employee posting),
Plausible, anyway.
I suppose it's just possible that you could do
interlaced 1024x768 with a
28KHz signal, but it'd be hell on the eyes.
that's the SGI's default
though if it can't detect what monitor you're
plugging into it? (scratch that
idea if the outputs are BNC, but if the video's
over some form of
multi-pin connector, might it not need strapping in
a certain way to indicate
display type?)
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