A long time ago, I had a junker (but quite possibly restorable) DEC terminal which I
unfortunately gave/sold away. I seem to recall its label calling it a VT-02, but I my
memory certainly may be wrong.
It consisted of a long bottom chassis with a keyboard on the front and a small flip-chip
backplane inside. On top of that sat a Tektronix vector display with an electrostatic
storage tube, and then a sheet metal cover went over the top of that to make the whole
thing look like a single unit. It was rather long due to the length of the display. I seem
to recall that the display was oriented in portrait mode, and it had burn-in from text
display. The display had a self-test function that drew a spiral on the screen (analog, of
Does anybody recognize that description? Did I get the nomenclature right? Exactly how
hard should I be kicking myself for getting rid of it long ago?
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>