Using the 8085 instead of a Z-80 was absolutely the right decision (and if
you are wondering, who made that decision ..... it was me).
The objective was to do a dual processor system with an 8088 and some 8-bit
CPU that would run CP/M. It would have been extremely difficult to have
done that with a Z-80, it was trivial with an 8085 (using a Z-80 would
probably have taken an additional almost 2 dozen ICs ... the external
hardware and bus interfaces and signals were just totally different).
Further, the performance of the 8085 was (ok, arguably) higher .... true, we
were stuck with the 8080 instruction set, but the 8085 ran at 5MHz (later
6MHz) with FAR better timing margins than a 4MHz Z-80. There were things
that, in retrospect, we might have done differently (strapping the 8088 for
"min" mode instead of "max" mode, for example), but using the 8085
one of them. All commercial software used 8080 instructions, and the
machine was primarily for running MS-DOS anyway. From our perspective (as
the manufacturer) we never felt a downside to that decision.
Barry Watzman
Former computer product line director
Heathkit and Zenith Data Systems
On Friday 21 September 2007 13:56, Chuck Guzis wrote:
Unlike the Rainbow, the use of the 8085 was probably
not such a great
idea after Heath/Zenith had been producing Z-80 systems.
I wonder why they went with that part? I seem to remember some others that
used it as well, though specifics are not coming to mind at the moment. I
have a bunch of those on hand, and think about doing something with them
from time to time. It's a fairly easy chip to use,
with an eprom and a ram
chip and a single address latch, I just haven't decided yet what I'm gonna
do with it.