firstly, do
you know if it's the CPU box or the monitor that's tripping
the mains?
CPU box. Even when isolated and alone the PSU will run for 5 mins then
something shorts out and trips everything.
THat's an odd fault. It's repeatable, yes? In other words you turn it on,
it runs for 5 minutes, then trips the mains. You cna then power it down,
power it up again and it'll run for another 5 minutes...
or is it trupping it due to earth leakage
(prossibly a defective mains
filter capaciotr)?
That's what I need to check, if it's anything it'll be a dodgy electrolytic
I hope. The Pro PSU has some big buggers in there :)
THe mians filter caps would be plasting or metalised paper types. I've
had them fail before, but normally they just go 'bang', emit magic smoke
and maybe blow the fuse.
How many tims
do I have to repeat 'Never switch on a classic computer
without doing some PSU tests first' ?
Well, normally I do, but I was told this one was a worker. Obviously someone
fibbed! I'll try and get on it tonight, it was an education today working
out how the PSU came out of the machine....heh.....
The Pros (and the 'Bow, and Decmate II) are all designed to come into
modules without tools. But be warned that setting up the machine out of
the case in order to do tests is often non-trivial (I rememebr, bitterly,
the 'bow PSU balanased upside-down alongside the mainboard, etc, when I
was tracing a memory cotnrol fault in that machine).
Also, there's at least one tamperproof Torx screw in the PSU....