But IMHO the
purpose of a museum is to make artefacts and related
material 'available'
pot, meet kettle
Dozens of people have asked for copies of the documents you hoard
1) I do not claim to run a 'museum' (and nor do most people here). I do
not think it's reasonable to expect private collectors to make all their
stuff aviaalbe. But museums enjoy rathe more beneifts than private
collectorsm and I regard making stuff avaialble to be part of their job.
2) If you ask me nicely for just about any manual/schematic/etc that I
have (and can find), I iwll make a copy of it when time permits. If it's
just a couple of sheets goignt somebody in the UK, I'll jsut do it
(please son't all ask for stuff :-)). if there are significant costs
involved (lots of sheets, overseas shipping, then we come to some
3) If I didn't approve of making stuff availalbe, why woold I let
hpmusuem.net (and indeed bitsavers) distribute stuff that I had produced?
Ditto for the HPCC Scheamtics CD. YEs, you have to buy it, but it's not
expensicve, and I don't see one penny (cent, whatever) of that money.
Note that in many cases, if you wanted to distribute said diagrams for
the desktops (sorry, I have agreeded with HPCC that as that's a
'handhelds club' the only wat ot get the schemnaitcs for the handhelds is
to buy the CD) then if you ask me nicely I am likely to grant permission
4) On several occasions I haev sent you (Al) ROM images, commented
source listings, etc and just been ignored. If you don't like the way I
sent them (.tar.gz file as a mime attachment) or don't like Intel hex, or
couldn't work out what machien they were from, then you could ahve asked
me. As it is, Iv'e stopped bothering to send them.