I scored a reasonably good condition KII on eBay last week, which booted
but looked like it just needed some CRT adjustment (screen was garbled,
but in a small line at center, which suggest a simple pot tweak). Sure
enough, got it home, plugged it in, popped the lid, adjusted the pot,
and intro text.
Used teledisk to make a boot disk, and the machine booted!
Since I had it open and I was trying to check on the drives in the 4, I
disconnected the internal drives in the II and connected a K4 drive. On
power on, the drive did not even spin up, and so I pulled another Kaypro
to test. Does the Tandon use different voltages?
Now, tonight, I boot the unit, and the drives spin up but the activity
LEDs won't light up on init, and it obviously won't boot. A spare tandon
SSDD behaves the same. It appears the drive logic on the main PCB is
not operational now, though I can't imagine plugging a DSDD from a K4
would mess things up that much. Any ideas on where to start looking?
Jim Brain
brain at