As promised in a previous message, last Friday I went to the office of the
guy with all the VMS manuals. It took me two trips, but when it was over, 11
boxes of varying sizes full of VMS and VAX docs sat in my garage.
Unfortunately, some of the older orange and grey binders were empty, and it
appears that I now only have full docs for VMS from version 6 to 7.2. Also
in there was one manual for MicroVMS 4.something. I didn't get everything,
so I will go back next Tuesday to finish up.
Today the university surplus shop had put out for sale the MicroVAX II
system that I had seen last week. It consists of a BA23 with RX50 and RD5x,
a Fujitsu(?) Eagle hard drive, and a Kennedy 9600 tape unit (looks like a
DEC TS05). Great, right? Well, un^H^Hfortunately, I had a job interview
today, scheduled such that I would be unable to attend the sale. I found a
trustworthy-looking person and bribed them to proxy-purchase the item for me
during the sale. It worked.
So tomorrow morning I will pick up the SA900 disk cabinet for the VAX 6K I
got last week, and now a MicroVAX II system. And there's no school for a
couple of days. Another great week.
The job interview took 3 hours and 20 minutes. I did well.
Jeffrey Sharp