Hey there;
So over the weekend I reread Cliff Stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg and after
reading various mentions of VAXes running VMS it occurred to me that while
I've worked with RSX-11M, RT11 and even various UNIXes on DECs, I've never
actually touched a VMS machine.
And while it would be reasonably acceptable to run OpenVMS on a SIMH
simulated VAX, it would also be quite nice to have a real VAX to do it on.
Anyone around Iowa (or even up in Minnesota) have a over-full garage or
basement and want to get rid of a VAX?
I'm fairly open to what model, I'm not snobby. Big or small, it should run
VMS fine.
I do actually own one VAX, a MicroVAX 2000 - charming little thing.
Unfortunately it is sitting in New Zealand, a little out of reach right
Not expecting much - but I thought I'd ask, you never know... ;)
Thanks all;