On 6/12/06, Robert Borsuk <rborsuk at colourfull.com> wrote:
Hi All,
Thought some of you might want to see my new (? old) Nova 3 System.
This system came courtesy of Bob H. who was the owner for several
years and thought it might be time to send it to a new home (mine)
Here's some pics.
Very nice. Since I know little about DG (even though I have an
Eclipse that I have yet to power on) allow me to ask the recently
asked question... "what can you do with it?" In the case of the
PDP-8, Bob Armstrong's answer was quite good - he listed the languages
available for the PDP-8 under OS/8, the way that most folks are going
to use a system with a disk (it's mostly that, or standalone
papertapes; there _were_ other OSes, but OS/8 dominated the PDP-8
scene once it was available). There's also the DECUS library, full of
educational apps, and, yes, games.
To put a finer point on the question - I presume there are some
programming languages, BASIC, most likely, FORTRAN, and perhaps a few
others. What sorts of applications did people put a Nova 3 to?
Bookkeeping (AR, payroll, etc.)? Scientific Computing (custom apps
with occasionally custom interfaces)? Unlike the PDP-8, I don't
recall hearing lots of stories of DG machines coming home with folks
when the company/Uni was tired of them; conversely, _lots_ of PDP-8s
were so rescued in the 1970s, 1980s, and even the 1990s (not so many
recently coming freshly out of use ;-)
And I guess more to the personal point... since I have an Eclipse,
what can _I_ do with it beyond watch it start up, get a listing of the
disk (if it still works), spin some mag tape...