Any chance for
HP support (hp85, hp86, etc) ?
Has anyone ever tried a CBM IEEE DRIVE on an HP? If
the differences are
Well, the hardware interface is much the same (IEEE-488/HPIB/GPIB). But
the command set is totally differnt. So it certainly won't just plug-n-play.
IIRC, the CBM disk units are essentailly file-oriented. You send a
command to open a file (including the file name), the drive unit contains
the part of the OS that finds that file in the directory, finds where
it's stored on the disk and so on.
The HP drives work at a much lower level. The file system is managed by
the host computer. The commands to the disk drive unit read/write bocks
(essentially the same thign as sectors). It's up to the host to turn
those into a file system.
trivial or not too insurmountable and I had someone to
help me (I have
no HP machines here with HPIB to try), i'm happy to add support.
There are many, many, HPs that supported HPIB drives. There were, alas, 3
different command sets -- Amigo (the earliest one), CS/80 (Command Set
80) and SS/80 (Sub Set 80).Documentaiton for all of those should be on
the web (try bitsavers or the Australian HP museum site for details).
You could probaly find an HP150 or an HP9000/200 machine fairly easily
on E-bay.
Now I don;'t know the exact details, but I read (I think on one of the
HP9845 pages) that somebody had written an HP drive simulator programs
for PCs fitted with an HPIB card (I believe said program has source
available if you want to look for hints on the command set, etc). But one
thing that this weg page siad was that it couldn't run with a 9914-based
HPIB card, since HP did something that was essentially against the
standard and which the 9914 couldn';t do. I do know that HP used the 9914
in their computers quite a bit, but that the drives used the Intel 8291.
Of course if you're planning on bit-banging the HPIB protocol on the pins
of a microcontroller (I think you need a little external logic, there is
one transition where you can't take arbitrarily long to change one of the
signals), then this won;'t be a problem.