Allison J Parent wrote:
<I acquired a TRS-80 VOXBOX last week. It is in the original box
<with cable, interface box, mic, and three casette tapes. I remember
<when RS was selling these. Has anyone ever used one? Did they actually
<Any historical insight is appreciated.
It speaks, classic mechanical sounding speech. Rather fun to play with.
The VoxBox was voice input, not output. I never actually saw one in
action, they were being discontinued about the time I joined Tandy in
late '80. The voice synthesizer was another story, they worked much
better than most folks would expect. Unfortunately, both devices were
_strictly_ for the Model One, there was never a way to attach either
to a Model 3 or later system -- the voice synthesizer for example was
tied to a specific area of video RAM and would output what was sent
there by a "PRINT @" statement. Rather hard to integrate with
packaged software.
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_