Rumor has it that Vintage Computer Festival may have mentioned these words:
On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
> You have 24 hours to unload every last IC and piece of paper in my
> warehouse. You are allowed one (and only one) helper of your choosing.
> You must take it all. Shelving is optional.
> If you are unable to have everything removed from my warehouse by the time
> the 24 hours is up, you must put everything back where you found it. You
> will also have to pay for anything you broke.
> I'm quite serious.
> Now, who's up for it?
I've been exercising as of late... Lost 5 lbs so far, and lowered my blood
pressure 15 points. (and now once in a great while, if my wife feels my
forearms, I might get a little... ummm... happyness, too!)
That said, I'd not be up to it, but gimme a year (and a forklift, and my
dad's 18-wheeler, and... and... and... and I'm still dreaming!!!
;-) )
And here are photos so you can see what you're up
Thanks for those! Now my cow-orkers don't think I'm *nearly* as crazy as
they used to think... and it explains why you never found that Amiga
keyboard... ;-)
[[ Still battling a couple of Dragons at the edge of the world, but at
least I'm not dangling by 1 hand anymore... ;-) ]]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | Anarchy doesn't scale well. -- Me
zmerch at |
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers