On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 07:56:52PM +0100, Tony
Duell wrote:
> The
machine boots because the GPU reads a FAT filesystem on the SD
card, looks for files of certain names, loads them into RAM and then
boots the ARM core and starts it executing.
Is that fully docuemtned? In otehr
wordsm if you don't want video
functions at all, can you work with the bare metal?
You probably need to use their boot-loader, to get the ARM part of the
chip started, although I'm speculating here, I've not bothered to even
look for that documentation, because I don't care. But once the ARM has
started, I presume that everything after that (modulo some X11 drivers)
is bog standard Linux, so could be replaced.
There are non Linux operating systems being ported to the Pi (RISC OS
and at least two BSDs). I seem to recall some grumbling about less
than comprehensive documentation on bringing up a new OS on the
hardware, but I suspect that will also be fixed in time, plus it
always helps when you have multiple independent OS implementations for
a platform :)