On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 00:12, Chris Hanson <cmhanson at eschatologist.net> wrote:
Not quite! Sun was a participant in creating the OpenStep standard (the NS class prefix
stands for ?NeXT/Sun?) and *created their own implementation* of OpenStep for Solaris.
(Just as GNUstep is an independent implementation of the OpenStep spec under the FSF
umbrella, and OPENSTEP/Mach and OPENSTEP/Enterprise were NeXT?s implementations.)
OpenStep Solaris was released, both the user and developer environment, and you should be
able to find them today and install them on Solaris 2.5 or later. I think OpenStep will
run on everything through Solaris 7 or Solaris 8, but at some point it stopped working
because it required Display PostScript in the window server.
Sun also bought a number of NeXTstep software
houses, including
Lighthouse, but didn't release the code.
Indeed, that was post-OpenStep; they weren?t buying companies like Lighthouse to get a
suite of applications for OpenStep Solaris, they were buying them to port their stuff to
Java (since Java was based rather heavily on Objective-C, and some aspects of the Java
frameworks? designs on OpenStep).
Fascinating stuff -- thanks for the clarification!
Liam Proven - Profile:
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