On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 13:18:37 -0800
Eric J Korpela <korpela at ssl.berkeley.edu> wrote:
Speaking of Geoworks, anyone have a copy of the rare
8088 devkit
for GEOS? IMHO, it's lack of wide distribution of a devkit that
killed GEOS the deadest. That and flying toasters.... I
probably would have used it for my main desktop if I could have
coded for it....
I'm also looking for a copy of the devkit for Windows 1.0X.
Being able to code for Windows 1 would kick a**.
ICK! Have you ever run Windows 1 for any productive purpose?
Being able to code for DOS 1.0 is more useful (I have the 1.0
BASIC and PASCAL compilers, and the early Aztec C compilers.)
Really, you can't run most Windows 1.x or 2.x apps on anything but
Windows 1.x or 2.x.
You might as well be developing TopView-friendly applications.
On 12/12/05, Jim Leonard <trixter at oldskool.org> wrote:
Allison wrote:
> If you used Geoworks, or
> Ghostscript (I used a retail package called "GOSCRIPT"), or
> Win 3.1, you could
> use any font you want and the print subsystem would just
> rasterize it as graphics.
> --
> Jim Leonard (trixter at
> Want to help an ambitious games project?
> Or check out some trippy MindCandy at