Anyone had experience with a Data Technologies
DTC-1181? It appears to be an
8-bit ISA board that somehow enhances the on-board BIOS to handle drives larger
than 528MB through LBA. Does it work? If so, does it then go up to the
typical 8192MB barrier or does it go farther than that?
I have the docs for it kicking around here somewhere (single-page, I could scan it for
if you like - assuming I can find it). IIRC it will go up to the 30G barrier (but I could
wrong - it's been quite a while since I used it).
Btw, the board is just a ROM socket - I used to put the ROM itself (which IIRC is 8K)
the boot rom socket of my network cards on various 486 class machines - if you are not
using network boot, it saves a card slot.
And yes, it does work.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
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