Here's a rather esoteric question that I suspect at least one person may be able to
answer better than the collective urban legendry found on Google.
I have a Mac LC475 (same machine as Quadra 605), and I'm looking to max out the
memory. None of Apple's tech notes mention anything about EDO memory, and people tend
to generally think that it can handle it, but I've been bitten before. Does anyone
have a good idea about whether the memory controller can handle it? Also whether it can
actually take advantage of it? My gut feeling is yes to the first and no to the second.
Secondly, does anyone have experience with Micro Memory Bank? They seem to be offloading
piles of newly-manufactured vintage-compatible (5V FPM and EDO) DIMMs and SIMMs on Ebay.
The collective common wisdom for the LC475 is that 128MB SIMMs will work, but only if
they're single-ranked. The salespeople for the vendor don't seem to know what
I'm talking about when I ask, and I'm having a hard time getting photos of the
board from them (which should at least let me look at the traces). Anyone know about
their 128 MB EDO/FPM SIMMs?
Relevant auction number is 350478815002.
- Dave