On 4/27/2016 10:12 PM, Erik Baigar wrote:
On Wed, 27 Apr 2016, Bob Rosenbloom wrote:
I have my Rolm 1603 working. No peripherals
hooked to it, but you can
toggle in stuff from the front panel.
Very cool, Bob - we have been in touch seom years ago and
great, that your machine is still alive! Many thanks for the
picture and two questions out of curiosity:
(1) The panel is mounted on the rear side (where memory is) of
the processor. Is it wired and powered internally or do
you have to connect the panel to the plugs of the
processor externally?
(2) The 1603 uses the same 5605 processor "sandwich" also
used by the 1602B and not the 9PCBs of the earlier 1602s?
Keep up taking care of your Rolm, its a very nice and rare
Yes, the panel is mounted near the memory and plugs into the bus.
I think it's the 5605 processor, four CPU boards + some I/O.
More photos of it can be found here:
Vintage computers and electronics