I just seen your post on the BR2412 and thought I might be able to shed some light on the
ND812 Computer. I worked for Nuclear Data when they designed and started production of
this computer. Nuclear Data prurchased DEC PDP8 and PDP11 computers to to process data
from their nuclear instrumentation products and decided to build a system simular to the
PDP but with an enhanced instruction set and floating page. The software developers
created a point of sale demo and tried to sell it to McDonalds Corp. They laughed and said
no thanks. The sales people then show the system to Jewel Foods and they decided to
partner with Nuclear Data. Nuclear Data was loosing money and redesigned the system with
the new spec 16 technology how ever the spec 16 was delayed for a year and Nuclear Data
was forced into selling the point of sale division of the company to Bunker Ramo that is
where the BR2412 model designation came from. I personaly trained most of the new
technicians we hired on troubleshooting the BR2412. My last job at Bunker Ramo was running
the test engineering department and then I went back to work another year after the sale
at Nuclear Data. Nuclear Data was one of the best companies I have worked for. If I can
aswer any questions you might have on either Nuclear Data or Bunker Ramo feel free to
contact me via email.
Jim Mainock
Jim.mainock at