To be a little more specific about my guess... Rev 0 Apple II, with lower-case hardware
keyboard mod (e.g. not the shift-key-to-game-port wire), lower-case graphics mod, and
either Language card or Applesoft-ROM-on-motherboard. I ought to be able to look at the
chroma section of the motherboard and see if it really is Rev 0.
I'm still racking my brain, figuring out whether the "PRESS RESET" comes
from a different F8 ROM on the motherboard, or a different F8 ROM on the language card, or
something else. I know I've seen that before but cannot remember the permutation.
Could it come from the lower case mod? Oh, now I don't know where it could come from
anymore at all!
Out of curiosity... if it has INTBASIC on the motherboard, does it have the
"Programmers Aid" ROM? Had some Hi-Res and sound callable routines etc?
Haven't seen that in ages and ages.