I've been looking into various cheap / easy ways to interface a floppy drive
to various projects ( i.e. Heathkit ETA-3400 ) for a while. My current path
is pointing towards using an external USB floppy drive ( $16 USD ) and a
device from GHI Electronics called a USBwiz ( $60 USD ). This device will
let you talk to ThumbDrives, SD cards and other USB " stuff " ( supports
FAT16 and FAT32 ) through a very simple interface that a PIC chip has
enough horsepower ( computing power ) to drive, so the 6502 in the Heathkit
should be okay. I welcome the wisdom of this community as to this pursuit
before I commit hard earned dollars to said project ( or not ... ). What do
you guys think ( and yes I already know I'm lazy and should build my own
hardware .... ).
Best regards, Steven C.