Yep, but only for items relating to my museum. The one
thing I don't
actively pick up is printers because they're so generic. An exception is if
While I would agree that most later impact dot-matrix printers are of
little interest to me, there were some very odd machines out there that I
find fascinating. The Sanders printers that did up to 8 pases of the
printhead to produse very near letter quality output (one of the later
ones of those was build on a DIablo 630 chassis, and the output is very
much daisywheel quality, for all there's a 7 pin dot matrix head in
there). The Versatec V80 electrostatic printer is another odd beast -- it
builds up a charge image on special paper and then flows liquid toner
over it (yes, I have one, and not just beacuae it was one printer
supported on the PERQ).