On 3/9/2016 3:11 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
On 3/9/2016 12:20 PM, Henk Gooijen wrote:
Here is a photo of a PDP 8/A 620 with the style of card guides that
Vince is referring to: (I think)
Different than the 8/A 400.
Here is a very clear photo of the card guides and cage for that beast.
do you have
Here is a photo of one of the sides of the 8/A (which I will have to
try to straighten). It is one of the strips of vertical bands with
round card guides standing off for the cards to slide between.
This is a 8/A 400 cage. The larger 8A 600 and larger cage may have
different guides. A friend has one of those and I will get him to
photograph it.
I googled but get different guides.
Are they small, like 5mm, and colored maroon or white?
Those are also used in the 11/44 box and expansion boxes,
I guess every BA11-K.
The BA11-L has white hard"plastic" blocks some 2" long
and has slits for 4 boards.
So, a picture or description would be helpful.
- Henk, PA8PDP