On Fri, 14 May 2010, Keith M wrote:
Gene Buckle wrote:
Thanks for the post.
This is pretty cool. I'd like to see the original transcripts, photos of the
demo, etc.
While I don't often agree with many of the decisions the judges make, it's
very interesting to read the actual court orders and opinions. I used to
follow P2P file sharing cases, reading very long documents --- watching
justice unfold can really be telling about the state of the system.
This case against a single mother whose children supposedly downloaded music
is interesting:
Her daughter defaulted on the case, which is really a shame.
The MAFIAA depend on frightened people that don't have ready access to the
resources needed to fight them off. It's sickening.
I suspect the transcripts of the RedHat case will be available shortly.
It'll show up on Groklaw as soon as they are.
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