Epson PX8?
That's a commercial or industrial system? Did it run an EDM setup,
turret lathe or vacuforming machine? Anyone keep their AR, AP, GL,
payroll and inventory on one? I doubt that one could run a PBX.
I guess it depends on what you call a 'commercial' system. I certainly
wouldn't class the PX8 as a home computer.
I never looked at the Geneva or QX-10 as much more
than word processing
Then IMHO you didn't look at them carefully. I think the QX10 is one of the best
all-in-one (as opposed to S100 bus, say) CP/M machines. Good graphics, 256k
(bank switched) RAM, those nice Epson voice-coil drives, RS232 and Centronics
interfaces, expansion slots if you need more, good documentation, etc, etc, etc
It certainly is a lot more than a word processing system.