On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 CLASSICCMP(a)trailing-edge.com wrote:
I am trying
to use some DECUS tapes which I obtained; they exist
on tape as one large file with extent .DSK .
Any info on how I can get started unpacking thses files?
Others have already told you about MOUNT, but if you just want easy
access to the unpacked files, all the RT-11 DECUS SIG tapes (about 300
Megabytes worth) are available by anonymous FTP from
Actually I have worked out how to use the 9trker and it seems to
be functional. At least I can PIP stuff back and forth and perform
the few tape ops that I know how to do. Thanks to all who helped me
with getting this part of the 11/44 running!
Tim, thanks (as always!) for your help. I have many of your posts
and advice archived and indexed, so I don't have to keep asking the
same newbie questions for each system I bring up.
I may be going about this all wrong.
Firstly FTPing stuff implies an FTP client on the target system
and a modem. Modems I have, but how to get RSTS to talk to them is
not clear to me at this point on my learning curve. Acquiring and
installing Kermit and/or FTP software is something I want to do, but
have no clue presently. All in due time I suppose.
Secondly, since I am most familiar with RT11, and since the is an
RT11 run-time system under RSTS, I just sorta figured that I needed
to un-pack the file under RT11... this is probably an erroneous
assumption on my part.
BUT: Do I really need RT11 to use the programs on the tapes, if
they will work under RSTS? I imagine not... so the real question is,
can I unpack the .DSK file uner RSTS V9.7?
I have the 'help' files but no RSTS Doc. I have RT11 doc V2, V3,
V4, and V5. 400lbs of Orange binders.....
Next thing I want for the System is to install a brace of RL02s so
I can plow thru the 60 or so disks I have, to see what's on 'em.