Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
I ask because
I'm reminded of the "x86 dead zone" -- a zone where a machine
isn't old enough to be compatible with older software, but isn't new enough to
be useful (a Pentium 133 falls into this category -- can't run old stuff, can't
run new stuff, so toss it in the garbage).
Well, only if you mean Microsoft stuff. Get an older distribution of
Linux and it'll work fine. I have an old AMD 586 I still use, and it has
not only some very old Unix software I wrote in the early 90s on it, but
even newer stuff like the latest version of Samba and Apache.
Obviously an older distro will work fine (I still have my Slackware 1.2 around
here somewhere). My point about being "useful" is that Pentium 133s are almost
literally free (I see them curbside every month) and for "free" you can usually
get all the way up to a 400MHz PII or 700 MHz PIII and those are much more useful.
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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