Tony *might* approve if the published documentation
included detailed
instructions on how to mine your own copper ore, smelt it, build a
silicon refinery, fabricate your own CPU, spin glass fibre and
synthesize resin and then manufacture your own circuit board.
But I do emphasize the "might" here...
Actually, I'd be very likely to approve of it if :
It came complete, that is to say I could just plug it in and go without
having to pay to download and print manuals, download the OS, etc
The docuemtnation let me figure out how to use the thing.
Given that, I might actualyl buy one.
A couple of serious questions :
1) AS has been confiremd the data sheet on the main 'chip' doesn't
include docuemtnation on certain parts of it (video-related?). Are those
parts simply not used by the standard linux for the Rpi, or are the
drives supplied as binary-only, or what?
2) I understnad the's some kind of GPIO/user port. How many lines, are
they individually selectable for direction? Can this be easilly used from
C (I assuem there's a C vompiler included with the OS).