On 04/01/2014 04:52 AM, Dave Caroline wrote:
There was a text file called hdinfo and also at least
one distributor made a CD
I had a play and stuffed the pair into mysql, the job is not complete
as I need to merge the two sources and add other info when time allows
Dave Caroline
ps other info
Hard Disk Secrets
John M. Goodman, PhD IDG Books Worldwide Inc
Interesting but mostly useless for my effort. No data on LBA support
only suggested
configs (CHS) and Largely FM/EDSI/SCSI. If I needed to know what drive
I have could
be used in XT class or AT class with WD100x interface it would be very
The info needed was specific, what IDE/ATA drives under 1gb preferably
512mb support LBA?
I ended up testing about 20 drives and all under 420mb tested did not
support LBA.
In the end I selected Toshiba/IBM 2.5" 1gb as I have a few and they did
test as valid for LBA.
Now I can actually start the real task.