On 5/14/2012 2:46 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
It remidns me a bit of the books that tell you how to
make an accurate
metalwork lathe from scrap. I don't doubt it's possible, but the authors
of suche books (a) often have access to machine tools through work,
friends, clubs, etc) and (b), more importantly have been using lathes all
their lives and know how to handle metal.
The trick is that thay can cast metal. Oddly the most critical parts -
and guides can still be found around often very cheap.
As for item [a] if substitute computer software for machine tools, you
seem to be several
levels deep from the original binary code for today's machines, and that
gets scary.
To sum up, I think f you put an experienced hardware
repairman on a
desert island withjust a multimeter he could do a lot. But although
that's what a beginenr might be limited to as well, he doesn't have the
experience to use it in unconventioal ways.
You can do a lot with a schematic,meter and a brain. Often beginers
need exercise on that last item.