So...RCS is looking for official DEC 120 VAC 14-3
power cords with the
early/mid 70s type molded-in power connectors, in nice condition, of
course. Do you have some DECjunk with these power cords? We are
interested (and will make it worth your while) if you can disconnect
them - decently long lengths would be nice.
You would have to get them from 120V machines. Over here (and I asusume
in other countries with 230V or so mains), DEC used 234V plugs with
'horizontal' live and neutral pins (you know what I mean ;-)). And on all
the DEC machines of that sort of vintage I've worked on, the 234V plugs
are rewirable (not moulded) Hubble ones. If ytou were over here, you'd
just replace the cable, not the plug as well...