I recently discovered a UNIVAC 9400 and 9300 in the
museum of
telecommunications' warehouse here in Norway. These are machines
replicating the System/360 instruction set (of the mod. 30 and 20,
respectively). The 9300, I don't currently know much about, but speaking
for the 9400, the card punch, card reader, and line printer have been
preserved. They seem in excellent condition.
This is good to know. I would like to know where any and all surviving
9300 systems are.
Probably on my next Westward trip in May, bitsavers will be getting a
zillion 9300 cards (assemblers, linkers, and applications) to read and
archived for the common good. All we need now is for someone with 9300
maintenance docs to get over to bitsavers also for the common good.