> >> If a formula for determining classic
computer cool factor gets finalized,
> >> I'd like to create a calculator script on the VCF website so that
> >> can enter their parameters and have their score automatically computed.
> >> We need a unit or label for this number.
> >The neuron.
> Feh! Too common, everyone has a few many don't use them.
> First it should be dimensionless, those are weird
enough. If not then
> like DB (DeciBell) which will give it a log or exponential character though
> I'd be interested in seeing other oddly shaped numbers.
> A possible name? Calcula with a range of values
from microcalcula
> (watch calc or smaller) to Kilo or maybe megacalcula(Sage! or other beast).
How about calling it a Babbage?
Well, I'd rather go for Zuse. Not only because he is
German(*), but rather because there is still no basic
or derivated SI unit starting with Z, so Z would give
a prety good symbol. There is already the Bq (Bequerel),
so Babbage wouldn't be so nicht - the same is true for
Calcula (C -> Celsius) and Ambit (A -> Ampere).
If this has to be successful we have to fit it into
the SI system :)
(*) Ok, it's just because of that, but I got some excuses
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen