As the RF73 is a DSSI disk the notion of "cylinders, sectors, etc" are not
as useful as they were on the old MFM, SMD, and ESDI drives. In particular
the controller simply returns the block you asked for and does its own
access sorting.
In NetBSD you can query the raw device to get the total sectors (I don't
know if you can do this in Ultrix or not). Anyway, if you do that then you
can factor that total number and make up some cylinder/heads/sectors numbers.
As for AltaVista I gave it up for, why? because google's search
page is advertisement free and it returns better hits than Altavista does.
At 08:13 PM 11/1/00 -0600, Paul Thompson wrote:
I have an elderly version of ultrix (4.2A) which knows nothing of disks of
mind boggling capacity such as the two gigabyte RF73.
Does anyone have a later version of Ultrix with the dimensions of this
disk specified in the /etc/disktab file?
(p.s. has anyone else noticed that Altavista seems to be lamed
deliberately or otherwise so that Linux or Netscape clients can no longer
search properly? I have noticed this for a couple of weeks...I go into
work and use Internet Extorter on NT and everything is fine.)
Thanks in advance