Thanks Peter, Doug and Alexey
I know which hypothesis is the correct one now. It was MESS., rather than a
problem with my machine.
I found the Sorcerer saved data and reloads it ok. I loaded in a large
MESS-sourced Sorcerer program in WAV format through the sound card (slowed
by 8.5%), saved it out to a real cassette, then loaded it back in again.
Perfect! So record and playback were in sync
Next I played a tape of Adventureland and the WAV file of adventureland.
With the MESS file reduced 8.5% they took about the same time. The original
MESS WAV was about 15 seconds shorter!
I then listened to a tape of Adventureland, the original MESS wav of
Adventureland and the 8.5% slowed WAV of Aventureland. The latter seemed
closer to the pitch of the tape.
Then I changed tape recorders and found I could load some of the large
program tapes (like Adventureland) anyway.
HOWEVER, I could have saved myself all this trouble if I'd checked the MESS
Sound Properties first. Not the sound card but the sound configuration in
MESS itself. The sampling rate was set at 48000 (Duh!). You were on to it
Alexey. Thanks for mentioning that or I might not have thought to check it
(MESS has a HUGE number of configurable properties).
Well, mystery solved and I've learnt something. I now know to check on
sampling rates if I ever output to WAV from emulators like this again!
Terry (Tez)